The video illustrates what I hope for in the future of education. School should be a place where we highlight the strengths of our team. We should not value one type of intelligence over another, but rather appreciate the strengths we each bring to learning. Through collaboration we can then make connections that makes our work more meaningful and relevant to all.
For my case study I chose Virtual Vacation Travel which incorporated active learning at the Transformation Level in Social Studies, grades 3-5.
A. The nature of this case was to inspire students to explore the world by embarking on a virtual vacation.
B. Students used the internet as a research tool incorporating Google Earth, Television, laptops, world globe and worksheets. The culmination was to create a travel guide based on the areas visited through the virtual vacation.
C. I liked the activity for the most part, but after watching many other inspiring videos through this process, this felt a bit out of date. We have learned so much and have many more technology resources to offer students.
D. I could use parts of this lesson, but would want to update a few areas with the use of an interactive white board if possible.
E. Compared with other case studies I have watched, I would rate this a 3 out of 5.